Found this "chatter box - table trivia" cards - though they were meant for 5+ year olds but trust me i needed them...
some insights jestures to start a conversation...

"If you could live any time in history, when would it be?"
"If you were invited to a fancy dress party, who or what would you dress up as?"
"if you were invisible for a day, what would you do?"
"would you rather live in a castle, a lighthouse or on a boat?"
"How would you describe yourself to your friends?"
"which country would you most like to visit?"
"What is your favourite pudding?"
"Which famous person would you most like as your teacher for a day?"
"If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?"
"If you were an animal what animal would you be?"
"would you rather be bitten by a shark or stung by a jellyfish?"
"would you prefer to sleep in an igloo or a cave?"
"would you rather travel in space or under the sea?"

catherine xx
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