Monday, 28 June 2010

a conversation with cat ...

"If you could live in any time in history, when would it be?"

probably the late 18th century or maybe the 60s?

"If you were invited to a fancy dress party, who or what would you dress up as?"

a bear ... no jokes.. to be honest the thought of a fancy dress party has me curled in the foetal position.

"if you were invisible for a day, what would you do?"

mmm... wreak havoc! i guess just silly little things ... I'd probably haunt someone... or maybe I'd try and catch thieves in the act somehow?

"would you rather live in a castle, a lighthouse or on a boat?"

actually, i've always thought about what it would be like to live in a lighthouse ... and let's face it, ive basically already lived in a castle ... sort of, and it gets cold when your encased in stone.

"How would you describe yourself to your friends?"

stubborn, silly, impulsive

"which country would you most like to visit?"

mmm ... i'd like to do the whole road trip thing in america ...

"What is your favourite pudding?"

something with either strawberries or chocolate

"Which famous person would you most like as your teacher for a day?"

Karl Pilkington! or maybe Jesus.. either one really.

"If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?"

world hunger

"If you were an animal what animal would you be?"

maybe a small bird like a starling..

"would you rather be bitten by a shark or stung by a jellyfish?"

jellyfish sting

"would you prefer to sleep in an igloo or a cave?"


"would you rather travel in space or under the sea?"

aww .. hard one, i guess i have plenty of time to go into space, and the sea both scares me but has a weird allure .. i'd love to see a mermaid.. or a merman.

i tag: cat and keish.


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