"Hello everyone, my name's Ruth and I'm addicted to shopping."
"Hello Ruth"
I have always loved to shop; we'd go to this farm/park when I was little and I would always want to go to the gift shop first and was always told that "we hadn't come all this way just to go shopping."
So I would go see the animals, and pet a few rabbits in the petting pens and go see a sheep being sheered (no, really) all the while just longing to be in the cool, air-conditioned sanctuary of the gift shop.
With the many rows of souvenirs, and reels of stickers, and piggy banks shaped like cows and chickens and, (believe it or not) pigs; I would always come away with something in a little paper bag.
This love for purchasing little knick knacks has not been dampened, and I still love useless novelty items that do nothing but cement the idea in my mind that I will be the old lady with all those gaudy ornaments from my travels crammed onto mantel pieces and window ledges and artfully assembled in display cabinets. Yes her.
And I like clothes. And shoes, those too.
And now what with internet shopping and it being as easy as a click of a button I really am in heaven. There are some great clothing retailers online with deals and free postage and all of that good stuff ....
but ...
I've also known for a long time that no amount of money can make you happy, and actually I've been most happy when I've had to be thrifty and count the pennies.
There's nothing more satisfying than feeling as though you've got your money's worth, or getting a great deal.
There are a few phrases or abbreviations like "B.O.G.O.F" or "2 for 1" or my favourite "FREE" that, if printed in red or contrasting colours will have me sprinting, and now with the economy like it is it's become a bit of a race.
Budget shopping sprees are the way forward, and if your really short for cash gazing through the glass and a bit of imagination should sate your appetite until the next pay check comes by.
So yeah; I do like pretty things and will probably always like to shop, but happiness aint gonna be found in a shopping trolley, or an empty purse (uh uh girlfriend) but rather in the people around you the number of times you laugh in a day.
"ha ha ha, that was a good one!"
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