Just today I was walking down some stairs that faced a row of cars that had stopped at a red light. Everybody could see me and I was wearing a nice summery dress and then. my foot collapsed. So I sort of had to catch myself on the railing... Not majorly embarrassing... not even funny really, just sort of cringe-worthy.
So, I wanted to write about an embarrassing moment that the three of us share...
Ruth and Catherine don't know that i'm sitting here writing about this... so please forgive me...
We heard about a fancy dress christmas party two months in advance.
With two months to prepare we decided to have the best costumes there.
Catherine was an Elf; Green hat with bell, waistcoat, skirt and green tights.
Ruth was a Christmas bear!; Face paint, Ears, Bow round the neck, red checked pajama trousers.
But I have to admit that mine was the most ridiculous.
A Snow queen. A huge white dress with blue netting and beads all strung round it. and a huge net collar. A Crown. Backcombed hair sprayed silver.
If anyone has ever gone "all out" for a party. This was it. We were taking photographs, we made loads of cupcakes decorated with sweets. and went with great expectations.
If you want to know what my face looks like as I write this blog... its a little bit similar to what a person might look like if they smelled something sour like off-milk.
So we travelled with two others; the north pole and a fairy.... and that was most of the party for the first hour or so.
The host wasn't even in a costume... I think it was just a christmas hat.
So feeling a bit over dressed and eating the cakes (we had made) to pass the time eventually some people turned up... not dressed up.... but to be fair there was one wiseman.
However most of the reactions were sort of like "wow... you guy's really went all out... I thought we were just supposed to wear party accessories".
We did try to make the most of what we had though.
We started dancing to prove that we were having a good time... empty room, with some tables layed out with colourful cupcakes. a little uv light in the corner and a bear, elf, snow queen and fairy dancing around.
In disneyland, we may have looked less ridiculous.
oh heavens.
So Yes. It is a memory that sometimes wakes me up just before I'm about to fall asleep... and not a story which I would usually share like this.
But, we all have them right?... these embarrassing moments.
Why not laugh at them.